Opera Atelier’s Idomeneo has been a huge success!
Five performances to over 10,000 attendees in the Ed Mirvish Theatre. This has been a musical highlight in the performance calendar to date!
In addition, Bradley has received nothing but positive reviews, including:
"And then there was striking baritone Bradley Christensen as the High Priest and Olivier Lacquerre as Arbace, both lending essential dramatic lower tessitura counterbalance to the opera’s preference for upper register roles. Christensen and Laquerre are excellent singers and actors and I look forward to seeing them in more roles with OA.”
(Stephen Bonfield, Opera Canada, April 10, 2019)
"Finally, the young New Zealand baritone Bradley Christensen showed off his fine voice and imposing stage presence as the High Priest."
(Joseph So, Ludwig-Van Toronto, April 5, 2019)
To find out what Opera Atelier has planned next season, visit https://www.operaatelier.com