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  • Concerts @100 Toronto (map)

Ryan Downey, tenor
Bradley Christensen, baritone
Trevor Chartrand, piano

Bradley Christensen and Ryan Downey, with pianist Trevor Chartrand, will perform a night of Schumann's masterworks.

Liederkreis op. 39
Liederkreis op. 24
Zweistimmigen Lieder (Duets)

Song cycle in German translates as Liederkreis, so why not sing the two Liederkreis (opus 24 and 39) by the famed German composer, alongside a cycle of duets for tenor and baritone.

Both cycles speak of love, frustrated or lost, sometimes tender, sometimes anguished. Also present is the popular theme of someone being on a journey. As two strangers in a foreign land, Bradley from New Zealand and Ryan from Newfoundland, these songs carry a special significance.

Admission is by donation.
For venue and concert enquiries, please send a message through the CONTACT page.